Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Caught In The Act - A Silhouette

My friend Dani forwarded this photo to me this week for a photo/workshop pamphlet I was putting together. So, I figured since I don't have anything else ready to post right now - this would do the trick, along with the corresponding photo that I was shooting at the time. Just looking at it really makes me miss Oregon. I've been quite homesick for it since I moved back, but the warm weather this week is helping to downplay it a bit. I am really looking forward to my upcoming visit this spring. I'll post more details on that trip when I have the dates finalized.


Caylee said...

Makes me want to move there, no wonder you miss it! That is a great shot.

Dani said...

WOW! That top pictures is great! :) Oregon misses you too!!