Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Posted by
Heather Palmer
11:59 AM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Want to Win a $1000 Mommy Make-Over?
Birth of a Mother Magazine is giving away a $1000 Mommy Make-Over! You could win prizes from Posh Mommy, Swizzlestix Spa, Bo Bebe, and more! To enter, visit their website or pick up your copy of Birth of a Mother Magazine.
Today I had the opportunity to shoot more of the magazines contributors photos. And in doing so, I got to visit with a few of my favorite people! Check out some of my faves...and a few shots of their sweet little men who tagged along.
Posted by
Heather Palmer
4:39 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
"Prison Broke-d"
I know it's been a couple of days since I've updated, so I wanted to post something...only I'm a bit brain dead today. Since I woke up WAY too early this morning, I can't speak properly, or pronounce things like "pronounce" correctly. My vocal grammar has been atrocious and I finally decided I need to stop trying to talk and retire to my room where I can instead do precisely the things that are causing my brain-damage;
*watch Prison Break one episode after another - I've just completed Season 1 and am a few episodes into Season 2. That show is the current love of my life and consumes much of my evening-time.
*drink Diet Dr Pepper - the substance allowing me to maintain my current schedule, including all that caffeine and aspartame that is no doubt contributing to my word-vomit.
*Average 4 hours of sleep per night - when the Prison Break goes off and the house shuts down, I lay awake tearing into my newest novel. I can't help it - it's gooooood, and just a tad trashy.
So, I blog this with the intention of watching a few more episodes as I chug away on my half-poison soda addiction, followed by several more chapters of my book, under the covers with a flashlight.
As I head off to continue my unhealthy routine (at least until I finish Season 3) - I will leave you with a new self-portrait. What fun is a post without a picture and maybe a quote?
“Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you." ~Oscar Wilde
Posted by
Heather Palmer
6:26 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Soul Mate / Idaho Family Photography
I've said it before and I'll say it again - few things are as fun to me as photographing the people I love! This past long weekend we headed down to Southern Idaho to visit some of my husbands sweet family, a few friends, and my cousin Brooke, who holds a little piece of my soul. We grew up taking semi-anual trips to each others houses where we'd spend holidays, and school breaks getting into minor amounts of trouble, and having massive amounts of fun (we even have matching foot-tat's to prove it.) Brooke, along with her incredible siblings are as dear to me as my immediate family is. I love these people with all of my heart and soul! So, it was a HUGE pleasure to spend the day with them, and photograph her cute family.
Posted by
Heather Palmer
3:45 PM
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I've Been Away....
"Some roads aren't meant to be travelled alone."
~Proverb Quote
Yes, I've been out of town. I took a little "road trip." I haven't meant to neglect my blog....but between travelling, shooting, visiting, and so on....I guess I did. I went to Idaho for a few days to visit some family, friends, and to do some sessions. It was a fabulous little trip! Anyway...I'll post as soon as I can. I have a busy week and weekend ahead of me. But until then...here is a little peek at what is to come....
Posted by
Heather Palmer
12:07 AM
1 rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Nothing Sweeter...than a Free Session for Valentine's Day
"Love is a choice you make from moment to moment."
~Ambrose Bierce
The entries are in, the judges have spoken. I was both overwhelmed and flattered by the number of entries to our little Valentine's Day Contest, and let me tell you that choosing a winner was NOT easy!! Knowing the choice would be difficult, I gathered a panel of 6 judges and showed them each entry individually. Each person then voted, and the contest entry with the highest number of votes was chosen. Only - there was a catch - we had a tie! So - we re-read the entries to try and choose which entry should win...but we couldn't come to a unanimous decision....so we have no choice but award TWO first place winners. That's right people, two couples will be winning a free session at the location of their choice. So, without further adieu......(drum roll please...)
The Winners Are.........
Bryn Seitz & her hubby Philip, AND Sara Pellan & her fiance Evan
The winning entries were:
Brynn's 365 Days of Love; 365 reasons she loves her husband are placed in a glass jar. Every day he gets to open and read a reason she loves him! How romantic and creative is that? Her gift lasts ALL year long!
Sara's Surprise Proposal; Her (now) fiance re-enacted their entire first date, which finished at their special, romantic spot that overlooks the city where he dropped to one knee and surprised her with a romantic proposal. We were all almost in tears as I read the details of this one aloud.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR WINNERS. Please get in touch with me at Heatherwardphotography@gmail.com or 403.869.7747 to pick up your Gift Certificate valued at OVER $400.00 each!!!
Posted by
Heather Palmer
12:19 PM
1 rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Published....Birth Of A Mother Magazine
I've had the privelledge of working with Birth of a Mother Magazine the last couple of months and have really enjoyed doing shoots for their layouts. Last month my work was featured in their "Post Baby Fitness" article, and tune in next month for some photos of Mom & Tot Yoga. Be sure to grab your copy at Calgary's Bo Bebe locations, or check them out online. Cover Cover shot, not a photograph done by Heather Ward Photography.
Posted by
Heather Palmer
12:06 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
"I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive."
~Gilda Radner
Posted by
Heather Palmer
4:43 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
D&S - Kids Short & Sweet Session
Every session is different, and each child or person brings something special to their images. Often it's a combination of a child's personality and a charming smile, or a couple's passion and amazing connection, and in this case; innocence, sweetness and some seriously amazing eyes. Even though I loved all of the images from this session, I think my faves are from the downtime when the little ones were being bribed with hot chocolate & marshmallows. :)
Posted by
Heather Palmer
9:14 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
The Punch Pack - Actions
Yes, I'm on an action kick this week so I thought I'd post a new set of my favorites. This nifty little pack has 10 actions that rock! And the best part - they are CS/2/3/4 & PSE5/6/7 compatible!
The Punch Pack/Mini Processing Set: $20.00
The following actions are included in the set:
Base Sharpen, Clarify (my new fave sharpening action that both defogs & sharpens the details perfectly), Color Pop, Warm It Up, Cool It Down, Antique Color, High Contrast BW, Chocolate BW, Resize for Web, Hollywood Portrait.
(example photo: slight curves adjustment to fix exposure, Clarify @ 75%, color pop 60%).
Buy Individual Actions - $5 (button below)
If you you are a CS user and already have most of the actions in this set - you can purchase any of the new ones (I highly recommend clarify) for just $5/each. PLEASE NOTE, individual actions from the PUNCH PACK only, no other individual actions from other sets, including the processing set are available).
Simply Press the Buy Now button, and note in with purchase which action you want.
Posted by
Heather Palmer
10:58 AM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Labels: Actions
Sunday, February 8, 2009
"No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap."
~Carrie Snow
Posted by
Heather Palmer
8:48 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Free Simple Valentine Card Template
This Simple Valentine Card is available as a FREE download. You will need a working knowledge of layers, as there are a few options for the front of the card.
The Terms of Use are included so please review them.
Get the Card HERE
Posted by
Heather Palmer
2:50 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Chocolate BW Actions: Set of Two - $5
Now Available: Lolly's Chocolate Black & White Action Set (set of 2)
for Photoshop CS versions.
Dark Chocolate BW & Milk Chocolate BW
Get them now for $5.00
(textures not included)
For more actions, visit this link.
Posted by
Heather Palmer
2:15 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Labels: Actions
Saturday, February 7, 2009
"Is not a kiss the very autograph of love?"
~Henry Finck
Posted by
Heather Palmer
9:57 AM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Monday, February 2, 2009
Share the Love Promotion
Posted by
Heather Palmer
1:33 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!
Labels: Baby, children, promotion, promotions
Beautiful Miss G / Calgary Baby Photographer
This weekend I met, and photographed a stunning family here in Calgary. The youngest of the bunch was beautiful Miss "G". She is definately a looker (look at those amazing eyes), and I spent much of the session resisting the urge to squeeze those adorable cheeks! Here are some of my favorites from their session.
Posted by
Heather Palmer
12:28 PM
rants & raves. I do love rants & raves!